What to do if your horse becomes lame
There are many things that can make a horse lame. If your horse gets a severe or even minor injury he/she could go lame. If for instance your horse breaks his/her leg, injures their hoof, gets sick or breaks/hurts another bone on their body, they could also become lame. When a horse goes lame it means that the horse isn’t able to do what they were used to do. You're horse's injury could get better and he/she could go back to being normal or he/she could stay lame forever. It all depends on the horse's injury; some injuries can be healed while others will never get better no matter what you do to help them. If you think your horse is lame, you want to make sure you still go out and visit him as often as you usually would. You probably shouldn’t ride him or make him work too hard, because that could make the injury worse. You should walk you horse around a lot with a lead rope to so that he still gets some exercise, and gradually makes his leg (or whatever is injured) stronger and maybe healed. Also you should gradually make your horse do different gates. This will help work the problem area and make it less severe. If your horse is lame, you should apply ointment to his injury often: this will help with the pain and will also help the healing process.
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